Glowing Skin After 40

Be Nice To You

Ok so hands up, who's a tiny bit stressed?  Finally - the kids are almost back to school and you're dizzy with emotion and exhaustion.

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Bring on 2017!
For most of us, we already feel stressed and overwhelmed, and 2016 has been a year of huge change on the world stage (that's my polite version - I thought I had better remove the swear words).
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Meet Ici-Selfcare

Paris based Ici-Selfcare is our latest Rose Tree stockist.  We stopped by to hear from founder Sam Guelimi about the inspiration for setting up Ici-Selfcare, and her favourite Rose Tree product!

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About Us

I'm Olga, a plant obsessed 50ish woman based in Devon.

I got so fed up with the beauty products being offered to me:

Anti-ageing everything. Made up words. A 20 step face skin routine which no woman ever would have time to follow. Not to mention the latest 'hero' ingredient that would change my life.

And so I decided to create something different.

Simple Beauty That Works

I'm Olga, a plant obsessed 50ish woman based in Devon.

I got so fed up with the beauty products being offered to me:

Anti-ageing everything. Made up words. A 20 step face skin routine which no woman ever would have time to follow. Not to mention the latest 'hero' ingredient that would change my life.