About Olga

Hi, I'm Olga,
A passionate, slightly crazy beauty entrepreneur.
I'm on a mission to produce EXTRAORDINARY organic products for body and soul. British luxury designed for modern women who want to look and feel amazing in today's frantic-paced lifestyle.
I ditched the stressed up to my eye balls corporate job 4 years ago to jump off the cliff into the world of organic beauty.
One of the things I always get asked is why the beauty business?
For as long as I can remember I have had a fascination (read obsession) with plants and herbs. One of my favourite Christmas presents as a child was a copy of Culpeper's Complete Herbal from my lovely Dad. I dreamt up all sorts of concoctions, to try on my sisters (victims) with varying degrees of success.
30 years later in the midst of the corporate madness I found myself turning back to the power and simplicity of these botanicals to manage my own skincare woes and stress levels. The exhaustion, eczema, rashes and red scaly bumps that had become a permanent fixture in my life.
There is something fundamentally broken with the beauty industry..
This exploration into how to make my skin happy again lead me to the realisation that here is something fundamentally broken with the beauty industry. I believe that beauty is all about feeling good, and yet we are bombarded with images of unattainable perfection all day every day, that leaves most of us feeling inadequate or just ready to give up. The ultimate irony is that the models themselves don't even look like their pictures - they have been stretched, primped and manipulated beyond recognition.
Add to that the multiple-step skincare routine, with the ridiculous number of 'must have' latest products, the dodgy ingredients, cheap fillers and the fact that the packaging can cost as much as or even more than the contents and you realise it's complete madness.
4 years later and my skin is in a much happier place.
Skincare for real women - I like my skincare ingredients to not have been fiddled with too much
My skincare is for real women, I focus on ingredients that actually make a difference. I like organic; I like my skincare ingredients to not have been fiddled with too much. And I definitely prefer them without pesticides.
I recognise that you probably weren't up at 6am this morning doing yoga in your pants, followed by a breakfast of buckwheat porridge and raw berries I'm also pretty sure that you don't have time for a 10 step skincare routine before running out of the door.
To care for and nourish your skin in an honest way
I have designed products to be first and foremost effective. To make your life easier, to care for and nourish your skin in an honest way. To nurture and coax tricky into looking the best it can. To calm and soothe and give your skin a natural glow. I use flower and plant oils with therapeutic benefits, to relax your mind and body, de-stress your mind, energise you.
Most of us have so much stuff flying around in our heads that we don't know if we are coming or going. We are balancing jobs, children, parents and at the same time feeling guilty that we haven't cleaned the bathroom. We put ourselves under so much pressure that we can't function.
Make your life a tiny bit simpler
I can't go to work for you or pick the kids up from school, or even clean your bathroom for you. But what I can do is make your life a tiny bit simpler. Allow you to take a moment for you and feel good about yourself.
My tiny business is exactly that - small - but we have some big ideas. We do things differently. And I like to think we've got something right as in the 4 years since we launched, I'm super proud that we have won some great awards including: finalist Beauty Shortlist awards 2016, Editor’s Choice Beauty Shortlist awards 2016, Silver, Green Parent Beauty Awards 2015, Silver Free From Awards 2014 and we have been regularly featured in the national press including the Daily Mail, The Independent, Psychologies Magazine, Exclusively British Magazine, and Country Living Magazine.
We do things differently
I'm on a mission to produce extraordinary organic products for body and soul. British luxury designed for modern women who want to look and feel amazing in today's frantic-paced lifestyle.
I won't promise you miracles...
Supreme Quality & Superb Results.
I won't promise you miracles. If you are looking for instant eternal youth or those before and after pictures where a 50 year old morphs into a 20 year old you are in the wrong place.
What I do promise you is that I have designed products to be first and foremost effective. To make your life easier, to care for and nourish your skin in an honest way. To nurture and coax tricky into looking the best it can. To calm and soothe and give your skin and give a natural glow.
I use flower and plant oils with therapeutic benefits, to relax your mind and body, de-stress your mind, energise you. To my mind radiant, glowing skin and a relaxed happy you will never go out of fashion. I think beauty is about feeling good
Made in Britain
We proudly manufacture in Britain. We do not manufacture overseas as a way to reduce costs. We support local suppliers.
We think organic makes a difference. It means that the quality of our ingredients is second to none, and in turn the potency and our products' effectiveness. No contaminants, no pesticides, no rubbish. We use certified organic ingredients whenever we can.
We want you to know exactly what ingredients we use. It is important that you know which of our raw ingredients are organic and which are not. We are committed to listing the percentage organic status for all of our skincare. We think you have the right to know. None of this one organic ingredient at 1% rubbish just so we can add organic to a label. (Sneaky I know but sadly surprisingly common).
Ethically Sourced
We look carefully at where our ingredients come from. While our unrefined organic Shea butter is sourced here in the UK, it originates from a women's community project in Ghana. We don't test on animals. Ever.